That's funny right there. Chuck Norris may actually be faster than the speed of light, but meh.
So anyway. I work part-time (VERY part-time now, because thank God writing is more lucrative) for a text message answer service. It's NOT dirty, just 411 queries, general questions and silly stuff from teens like "Does he like me?" Although it's usually more like "dos he lyk me omg idk wat shuld i do if he say hi too me?" Yeah, it's that bad. My children must be more articulate than that. It is my life's mission.
Some time ago, this service rolled out a way to signal when a customer was frustrated with a previous answer, so we could give them better service on the follow-up. Not truly necessary, as you can usually tell when the user isn't happy. Profanity and telling me how much I/my mom/my grandmama suck are pretty good indicators in and of themselves. My children must have better manners than that. It is my life's mission.
As with many new things, the rollout had a few bugs. One of the first questions I got that was flagged as a frustrated customer was "WHY IS CHUCK NORRIS FAMOUS?!?!?!" Now, I assume the system flagged it because of the caps and multiple exclamation points, but that's really pretty standard for texting. People generally either type all in caps or all in lowercase, and multiple punctuation marks abound.
But I thought it was pretty hilarious, and told my friend Carly that from then on, whenever I was frustrated, that would be my go-to phrase.
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