Thursday, April 7, 2011

I forgot I had a blog.

No really, I did. Doesn't that make me the worst blogger EVAH? Yeah, it pretty much does.

In my defense, I've been super busy. As only a work-at-home Mom with 3 little ones can be. Circumstances in Wonderland have made me the breadwinner, so I really need to get paid for my writing time as well. People really do pay me for my non-snarky writing. It's true. I even have my own little page on teh Interwebz with Amazon Affilate ads. I'm not Regretsy by a long shot (although I do admire her whimsicle effery quite a LOT and am just a wee bit jealous of her) but I suppose I do OK.

But then I wanted to join a sew-along at Sew Sweetness and found myself commenting sans blog address. Yes, I was one of those LOSERS who comments with just their name, no hyperlink to a blog or site. The humanity. As a result, there was a miscommunication (quickly resolved) that made me remember...I haz a blog! With 3 followers! My BFF, Mr. Snarky, and my BFF's other blog. So, yeah it's only 2, but Blogger sez 3, so neener.

And I guess I'm back. Why not? *waves*

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